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This test is used for survival analysis between the most extreme conditions, so the ones with the most different rates of dropout. This function automatically prepares your data and runs stats::ks.test() on it.


do_ks(do_stats, question)



A data frame made from compute_stats(), containing information on the percent remaining per question per condition


Index of question to be included in analysis, commonly the last question of the survey.


Returns result of Kolmogorov-Smirnoff test including which conditions have the most different dropout rates.


do_stats <- compute_stats(df = add_dropout_idx(dropRdemo, 3:54),
by_cond = "experimental_condition",
no_of_vars = 52)

do_ks(do_stats, 52)
#> 	Exact two-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test of conditions 12 & 22 at
#> 	question 52
#> data:  do_stats$pct_remain[do_stats$condition == 12] and do_stats$pct_remain[do_stats$condition == 22]
#> D = 0.82692, p-value < 2.2e-16
#> alternative hypothesis: two-sided